111 money affirmations (Dollar)

In this blog post, I’ve compiled 111 money affirmations, so you can start manifesting wealth and abundance.

Because affirmations are a powerful way to do so. Affirmations are positive statements that can help you reprogram your subconscious mind to believe and attract what you desire.

Whether you’re new to affirmations or a seasoned pro, there’s bound to be some gems in this list that resonate with you and help you attract more money into your life. Let’s dive in and start affirming your way to a wealthier future!

Actually, before you go through the list, I’d like to present some ways how you can use the 111 money affirmations other than “just reading them”:

or listen to

111 money affirmations:

BTW: If you prefer money affirmations in Euro, click here.

111 money affirmations in Dollar

  • I am ready to manifest abundance
  • I am grateful for all the money I already have
  • My life is full of abundance and happiness
  • My life is bursting with love, happiness, and prosperity
  • Money has a positive impact on my life
  • I attract opportunities
  • I am receptive to prosperity
  • I am in the mood to receive a 1,000$-check
  • Money is my friend
  • My wallet is overflowing with money
  • Money loves me
  • I am a magnet for miracles
  • I will celebrate my small wins
  • I attract prosperity
  • I am wealthy
  • I am generous
  • I am free
  • I place no limit on the amount of money I can receive
  • I am open to abundance in all aspects of life
  • I am deserving of being paid well for my work
  • As I do what I love, money flows to me freely
  • A constant stream of abundance flows towards me
  • I see myself living a life of financial security
  • I am financially abundant
  • I am worthy of financial security and all that it brings to me
  • I set myself financial goals because I know I can achieve them
  • I am grateful for my ability to manage my money well
  • Money flows easily to me
  • I am a money magnet.
  • I am grateful for all the money that is present in my life
  • I am focused on achieving money happiness
  • I am letting go of all the worry surrounding my finances
  • I appreciate the money I have right now
  • I am rich with health, wealth, love, joy, and happiness
  • Money flows to me from multiple sources
  • I embrace new avenues of income
  • Large sums of money flow easily to me
  • Wealth flows to me from all directions
  • I am the one who is about to bring wealth into my family
  • Abundance is coming
  • My income is expanding rapidly
  • The money I spend will always be replaced with more
  • Every Dollar I spend comes back to me multiplied
  • I am about to receive more money than I could ever imagine
  • My bank account never stops growing
  • I allow my income to constantly expand
  • My bank account grows while I am sleeping
  • I attract money to me on a daily basis
  • I will receive a big amount of money this month
  • I get paid incredible amounts of money just for being me
  • I am grateful for all the money that comes to me
  • I have a great relationship with money
  • I have more money than I will ever need
  • I am using money to bless my life and other people‘s lives
  • I am releasing anything standing in the way of my financial freedom
  • My income is constantly increasing
  • Money flows to me without effort
  • I am wealthy beyond my wildest dreams
  • My positive money visions are coming true
  • I magnetize money through love and joy
  • My soul is connected to the abundance of the universe
  • I always have more than enough money
  • I attract limitless wealth
  • There is always more money
  • I am financially free
  • I am good at money management
  • Immense wealth is flowing to me from known and unknown sources
  • I manifest abundance by being grateful for what I already have
  • I always have money
  • I live in abundance
  • I am tuned into the flow of prosperity.
  • It’s safe for me to receive money and abundance
  • I am rich in all areas of my life
  • My vibe is my currency
  • My actions create prosperity
  • I am manifesting glorious abundance
  • I attract more than enough money
  • Money always finds its way to me
  • Receiving money is easy
  • It’s easy to earn, keep and grow my wealth
  • I am a magnet for financial windfalls
  • I am one with tremendous amounts of money
  • Financial success is mine, I accept it now
  • Wealth constantly flows into my life
  • I am aligned with the energy of abundance
  • Money is energy, I let it flow
  • People love giving me money
  • I am open to accept all forms of abundance the universe has to offer me
  • I give myself permission to be prosperous
  • Money simply falls into my lap
  • I am attracting money into my life from known and unknown sources
  • My financial future is secure
  • I feel like a millionaire
  • I attract unlimited abundance
  • Money is coming to me faster and faster
  • I am connected to the universal supply of money
  • I am receiving a surplus of money
  • I am fully focused on creating wealth
  • I effortlessly attract wealth
  • I earn tremendous amounts of money doing exactly what I love
  • I make money when I do what I love
  • My talents are worthy of being paid abundantly
  • Opportunities to make money are always knocking at my door
  • When I love myself abundance flows to me naturally
  • Wealth is attracted to me
  • I am worthy of making money every day
  • I am always in the flow to receive money
  • Money flows into my life from all directions
  • Good things come to me easily
  • Thank you for the millions of Dollars that are coming to me
  • I love money and money loves me!

Do you need more ideas to incorporate affirmations into your life? Discover my other products: