Akashic Records Reading

Akashic Records reading

So you discovered a mindset block, a story or a belief that does not serve you. You started saying affirmations and journaling every day.

You notice shifts, but you still feel like there are invisible strings holding you back from living your full potential.

Maybe you have the feeling that what holds you back is not only based on limiting beliefs or experiences in this life.

Maybe you have the feeling that what holds you back is going beyond this lifetime. That it could be something from a past life.

come with me to the Akashic Records

The Akashic Records are like a gigantic library in the spiritual realm – and each book is one past life.

book an Akashic Records reading

We can enter the records with the intention of gaining clarity why you have certain struggles in this life.

I guide you in a meditation into your space in the Akashic Records. We can have a look into one past life that is relevant to your specific situation right now.

As I guide you, you do not need to have any knowledge or skills. We are in the records together.

So if you are interest in a past life discovery, then please book an Akashic Records reading with me.

Send me an email at hey (at) angelika-free.com to make an appointment for your Akashic Records reading!

The session takes up to 90 minutes and costs €199.

If you would like to know what others say about their journeys into the Akashic Records with me, here are some comments:


Akashic Records reading

I absolutely loved the Akashic Records session I had with Angelika. Before we started, she explained everything to me about what to expect and I felt really well taken care of throughout the whole session.

Angelika has an amazing intuitive ability and found exactly the right balance between guiding me and giving me room to explore. It was a lovely experience and I felt really safe at all times. I got to discover some very interesting things about myself and at the end of the session, we got to take some time to discuss our impressions and dive a bit deeper into the meaning of the experience.

I think for me the most important thing was trust and Angelika really delivered. I can wholeheartedly recommend her to anyone who is looking to explore their Akashic records, it was a really wonderful experience!


Book an Akashic Records reading with me via
hey (at) angelika-free.com

Akashic Records reading

I loved Angelika. She was warm, friendly, gave a wee description of the records, then took me on a meditative journey. She guided me wonderfully.

We talked through the experience and I had clarity on a deep rooted blocker for me, which I could then release. Very interesting, I had feelings of clarity, an opening of my heart, happiness. My husband said I looked different, more powerful.

This session has helped me on my life journey, another shift, a peeling off another layer.


Book an Akashic Records reading with me via
hey (at) angelika-free.com

Akashic Records reading with Angelika (testimonial)

I had an Akashic Records Session with Angelika. I loved it ! Her energy was soft and it felt like she was wrapping her arms around me when we started… She explained what we were going to do… and showed no doubt this was going to be good for me. And her excitement was as big as mine which felt awesome!

She then proceeded to get us up there and into one of my past lives that would prove ot be useful for getting an answer around my issues at this time. And she never left my side. Which was so reassuring. She also had her own insights to share on what was happening and asked all the right questions for me to ponder.

The most beautiful thing was that, upon stepping out of the past life where I got my answers, Angelika suggested I cut the cords between this version of me and her beliefs and my actual version of me. And then, back in the Akashic records, we cleansed and healed the past AND the present.

I have been in the records several times but never have I felt so “accompanied”, and never have I felt that the person with me was as involved, interested and full of insights. Moreover those insights were so to the point it was almost supernatural!


Book an Akashic Records reading with me via
hey (at) angelika-free.com

Akashic Records experience

I contacted Angelika because I wanted to better understand current challenges I am facing. Angelika guided me into a past life where we were able to see a situation that reflected one in my current life.

The past experience showed a parent struggling to keep their family safe while also providing for them. It helped me notice how my desire to be available for my kids is holding me back from the work I want to do.

Throughout the experience I was accompanied and guided by Angelika. I felt safe, protected, and connected. Angelika asked questions, shared the insights she witnessed, and supported me through each step. She helped me explore and understand all that I saw and felt. When we came out of the meditation, Angelika helped me further reflect on the events we observed.

This regression was a valuable experience that gave me clarity and allowed me to grasp the significance of my present feelings. I highly recommend working with Angelika.
