Business Tea Date

Business Tea Date with Angelika

Do you need a BBF? A business best friend? Someone who is your sparrings partner for your strategy, new products and services?

I offer a 90 minutes Business Tea Date via Zoom – it’s like having a tea with your best friend, but only talking about YOU and YOUR business.

I know this myself: sometimes you just need to speak out loud your ideas, just to feel how it feels talking about it. And then you want an honest feedback.

I love talking about your marketing, strategy and business. I actually started talking about these things almost 25 years ago!

Now you wonder why should you book me?

Because I bring a lot of knowledge to the table. I studied Business Adminstration and Marketing. I worked as an international management consultant for several years. I am a solopreneuer since 2008.

Ok, you can probably find other people, who have all that “on paper”, too.

But there is more I bring to the table: my strong intuition. My kind honesty.

My superpower is asking questions. Most of the people I have done Business Tea Dates with said two things:

“No-one ever asked me that”
“I’ve never seen it that way”

Thus if you feel stuck, if you need an outside perspective, if you need a sparrings partner for your business strategy or your 2022 plan, talk to me!

You can book a Business Tea Date with me right here: hey (ad )